
Sunday, August 25, 2019

Team News - 2019 First Scrimmage Report

It's difficult to make meaningful observations during scrimmages. The primary challenge is that practice jerseys are worn, so of the numbers that are actually not too faded to still be legible, they often do not match to those of the official roster. Secondly, head coach Bill Zwaan has the first string offense face the second string defense and vice versa, so players are not against equal strength. Nonetheless, here are some attempts from Saturday's game action:
  • Running back Phil Poquie looks ready for football. The former Virginia lacrosse player hasn't played organized football since his senior year at the Haverford School in 2015. But he showed no signs of rust running, catching and making moves on would be tacklers.
  • IUP tranfer Yahmir Wilkerson got the first nod as the number three quarterback. Honestly, the morning was difficult for any quarterback that didn't have the benefit of the first offensive line blocking the second defense, but Wilkerson made good decisions in finding a one-on-one receiver and keeping the ball away from defenders.
  • Zwaan was none too happy when the offense fumbled away the football in a goal line situation.
  • Freshman Izaiah McPherson (if it truly was him) saw a lot of time at the one corner position. True sophomore Sterlen Barr looks to have the other corner spot locked up, but both positions will be inexperienced.
  • The only player that appeared to suffer an injury during the exhibition was running back Maurice Mazzccua and he even returned to action.
  • Defensive tackle Joe DeSanto looked as hungry as a guy who hasn't played football in almost two years. It was great to see him on the field and he could be a real menace for opposing offenses this season.

West Chester's final scrimmage of the summer is tentatively scheduled for Saturday, August 31 at 10:00 am.

Ch'aim Smith is unable to slap down Zach Gilbert's pass (Photo Gina Chapman)

Phil Poquie makes a nice after catch move for a big gain (Photo Gina Chapman)

Yahmir Wilkerson looks for a receiver downfield (Photo Gina Chapman)

Omar Peterkin takes aim on Mike Piperno (Photo Gina Chapman)

1 comment:

  1. What did first team offense do ? Seems like you mentioned every player on 2, 3 teams but not first team ? Seemed like went down field a few times with ease . Maybe forgetting a few ?
